Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ho Hum

So today I went swimming. OMG I love to swim. I don't nearly get to do it often enough.

I am curently watching Warehouse 13. Which is a place to hold the things that can destroy the world. Like a comb with a decritive top that can distroy the world.

So today the 6th Harry Potter movie came out. I realy want to see it. I HAVE NO MONEY!!!!!!!!!! AGHHHHHHHHHHH. If I had money I would be able to get a ride a see it.

Now we are watching Burn Notice. It is about this Spy (named Michel Weston) that got black listed. He wants to get his job back. But that entails finding out Who Burned him.
He found that out. It was a Manegment that has a gig in miami. He killed the person that was in charge if that gig. Manegment gave him an ultimatum work for them or he pops up on the radar. Michel chose the latter. Now he has police on His A@!. The police are all over his mother, Madilan, a trigger happy ex girlfrend, Feona, a buddie that used to report on him to the FBI, Sam, his brother, Nate, and an aquantence, Barry. All in all Michel is F*@#ed up.

I love the show.