Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bien Venu Ma Vie (welcome to my life)

Bonjour Mes amis
Pardon-moi for droping off the grid like that.
I mean nothing has really happended that I felt inclined to type about.
Well I started school up again. Don't remember if I told you that.
I hate french class. we are going over Direct Obect pronouns and pronouns in general.
I mean like the pronouns le, la, les, l', un, une, de la, du, des, de l'. those are the pronouns that I remember off the top of my head.

I have algebra II and that is ok, but i am not that good at math so yeah.
Band is band and I am in the top band at my school.
I also have english with the best teacher ever. He is sooo funny. The other day I had to leave early cause I had a doctors app. so I showed him the note that would get me out of class like 2 min after class started and he wrote cool next to the time.

Umm I also made my bowling team....and that is about it

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I am soooo sorry I have droped of the grid again.

Like So now let's see, I went to the mountians with my youth group to learn about prayer and how to pray. We went on a 17 mile bike ride down the mountian. The next day we packed up and came home but on the way we stopped at a park hiked a bit climbed a rock formation and ate lunch up on the rocks. I got sunburned like really bad.

Now I have a facebook. Like all my friends have been badgering me to get one and now I have one. I am so excited.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


OMG like long time no see
sorry I droped off the grid for a while. Nothing has happened untill this week that was worthy of a post.

Well this week I went to this drama camp thingy at my school. It was fun! We went in painted the stage and made sure that everything was ok. Then today we had more of a workshop thingy and played improve games. We also had a sean work assignments.

Thats all

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Hi..,Long time no see.

I had an amasing weekend. What did I do you ask well that is a great question.

First I got my friend Smalls to come over for the weekend. We went swimming. Then out to eat. THEN WE WENT TO SEE HARRY POTTER... I WaS So FrIkInG HaPpY. well that is all for now.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ho Hum

So today I went swimming. OMG I love to swim. I don't nearly get to do it often enough.

I am curently watching Warehouse 13. Which is a place to hold the things that can destroy the world. Like a comb with a decritive top that can distroy the world.

So today the 6th Harry Potter movie came out. I realy want to see it. I HAVE NO MONEY!!!!!!!!!! AGHHHHHHHHHHH. If I had money I would be able to get a ride a see it.

Now we are watching Burn Notice. It is about this Spy (named Michel Weston) that got black listed. He wants to get his job back. But that entails finding out Who Burned him.
He found that out. It was a Manegment that has a gig in miami. He killed the person that was in charge if that gig. Manegment gave him an ultimatum work for them or he pops up on the radar. Michel chose the latter. Now he has police on His A@!. The police are all over his mother, Madilan, a trigger happy ex girlfrend, Feona, a buddie that used to report on him to the FBI, Sam, his brother, Nate, and an aquantence, Barry. All in all Michel is F*@#ed up.

I love the show.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So there is nothing going on today...
Um there is nothing on the T.V either.
So this is a pointless post.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Ok I miss spelled Linkin Park... Kinkin Park my Bad.

More About me

So my first blog said that my name is C Jack ( and that is not my real name). And that I am a junior in High School. Now to the new stuff.

I have lived some where on the Eastern Seaboard all my life. I have moved 4 times and gone to 5 schools. I am in band and theater. I know what you are going to say...WHAT A GEEK. I don't care. The pets I live with are 2 cats named whimsey and spritly ( moms idea... see a theme.) We also have a beta fish named Alfred ( they are also called the Japanies Fighting fish. Although they changed the name I don't know why.) We alsi have 2 gerbils and a turtle.

Lets move on shall we?

Some Favorites.
Animals: Wolves, Big Cats
Color: The dark jewl tones. Like Dark Green, Dark Blue...
Book: Harry Potter...but that is a really hard decision because I love a lot of books
Movie: I really don't know too many to chose from
Subject: Theater, History. I love mythology and acting
Music: I like MCR, Panic! at the disco, ABBA, Avril Lavigne, Green Day,John 5, Kikin park,The All American Rejects...and so many more.
Food: Pizza, Ice Cream, Steak ,um...Pie...Cake...ect...ect

That is a bit about me...Hope you enjoyed.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Randomness

Today was meh. I mean that nothing happened... other than a Harry Potter movie marithon. Which I love. That saddly is all. I might post later... might not. I don't know

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Today is a dismal day. I mean nothing happens that is even remotly interesting...
Omg I really want to see the new Harry Potter movie. I can't wait 'till it comes out, but the chances of me seeing it in theaters is silm to none. I have no money so I can't go anywhere fun. Although I did go to Dollywood for my birthday. That was a lot of fun. My uncle took me and my friend there.
You know what.....I hate NASCAR. But when my dad went to bed I channel surfed. I found Ice Age 2 the meltdown. OMG I FREAKING LOVE THAT MOVIE. My faveorite charicter is Schat. The Squirle.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Ok I am not new but I can't remember what my old blog is so I can't update it.
This is my official blog. My name is C Jack...not my real name. I am a junior this school year. I am so not excited about school but I am bored. I have no plans whatsoever this summer. This is basically a blog where I can express myself in a way that no one can judge me.