Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bien Venu Ma Vie (welcome to my life)

Bonjour Mes amis
Pardon-moi for droping off the grid like that.
I mean nothing has really happended that I felt inclined to type about.
Well I started school up again. Don't remember if I told you that.
I hate french class. we are going over Direct Obect pronouns and pronouns in general.
I mean like the pronouns le, la, les, l', un, une, de la, du, des, de l'. those are the pronouns that I remember off the top of my head.

I have algebra II and that is ok, but i am not that good at math so yeah.
Band is band and I am in the top band at my school.
I also have english with the best teacher ever. He is sooo funny. The other day I had to leave early cause I had a doctors app. so I showed him the note that would get me out of class like 2 min after class started and he wrote cool next to the time.

Umm I also made my bowling team....and that is about it