Thursday, August 20, 2009


I am soooo sorry I have droped of the grid again.

Like So now let's see, I went to the mountians with my youth group to learn about prayer and how to pray. We went on a 17 mile bike ride down the mountian. The next day we packed up and came home but on the way we stopped at a park hiked a bit climbed a rock formation and ate lunch up on the rocks. I got sunburned like really bad.

Now I have a facebook. Like all my friends have been badgering me to get one and now I have one. I am so excited.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


OMG like long time no see
sorry I droped off the grid for a while. Nothing has happened untill this week that was worthy of a post.

Well this week I went to this drama camp thingy at my school. It was fun! We went in painted the stage and made sure that everything was ok. Then today we had more of a workshop thingy and played improve games. We also had a sean work assignments.

Thats all