Saturday, February 12, 2011

Slow songs suck when you are at a dance with a group of friends that are all girls.
To decorate the tables at the dance there were ballones with helium... My friends proceded to suck in the helium and mke there voices funnie... Oh my friends how I love thee
Dont know why I even bother going to school dances when I dont have any fun... I guess that a part of me just wants to be part of highschool life and functions.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Well long time no see...Thanks for everyone putting up with my lack of posts. 

I am sooo bored. I mean there is nothing to talk about so there is really no point to this post. I just want to have fun. I am happy cause I am a senior. I hope I get the job that I applyed for.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Je me suis Desole

Exams are over!!!!!!!!!!!! Heck yeah
I gots into the tech theater yeah

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bien Venu Ma Vie (welcome to my life)

Bonjour Mes amis
Pardon-moi for droping off the grid like that.
I mean nothing has really happended that I felt inclined to type about.
Well I started school up again. Don't remember if I told you that.
I hate french class. we are going over Direct Obect pronouns and pronouns in general.
I mean like the pronouns le, la, les, l', un, une, de la, du, des, de l'. those are the pronouns that I remember off the top of my head.

I have algebra II and that is ok, but i am not that good at math so yeah.
Band is band and I am in the top band at my school.
I also have english with the best teacher ever. He is sooo funny. The other day I had to leave early cause I had a doctors app. so I showed him the note that would get me out of class like 2 min after class started and he wrote cool next to the time.

Umm I also made my bowling team....and that is about it

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I am soooo sorry I have droped of the grid again.

Like So now let's see, I went to the mountians with my youth group to learn about prayer and how to pray. We went on a 17 mile bike ride down the mountian. The next day we packed up and came home but on the way we stopped at a park hiked a bit climbed a rock formation and ate lunch up on the rocks. I got sunburned like really bad.

Now I have a facebook. Like all my friends have been badgering me to get one and now I have one. I am so excited.